Worth the wait
I planted a winter hazel in my front bed so many years ago I no longer remember the name of the cultivar, although I probably have it written down somewhere. This winter it is blooming for the first time. I've been enjoying it for about a month now, when I pruned it and noticed the buds. This week the shrub itself burst into bloom.
I love it when the branch that most needs to be removed from the plant is also the perfect one to display in a vase.
Very nice. This give me hope my WITCH Hazel, that didn't bloom this year.
Winter hazel, that's a new one to me. Love that branch, it looks like a candelabra! Wow, 2 posts in 2 days? Resolution? Love it!
Karen, it's corylopsis spicata, aka Spike Winter Hazel. Ketzel Levine has a nice article about it here: http://www.npr.org/programs/talkingplants/profiles/corylopsis.html
My Winter Hazel is having it's best year ever too. It's got tons of flowers on it. Last winter it hardly bloomed and I blamed it on all the cold.
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