Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Cabin Fever

The view on the far side of my laptop:

The worst part of this foot-remodeling is the immobility. I'm a restless one at the best of times. If I get around on crutches, I can't do so much as carry a cup of tea from one room to another. If I scoot around on my desk chair (a desperate purchase last weekend)I can do stuff and carry things around with me, but I'm limited to the indoors, and one level of the house at that. Worse, The Overprotective One (TOO) thinks it's a bad idea to go on crutches up and down stairs, and out into the garden. TOO has a point. The ground is pretty soggy.

Command Central for the housebound gardener:

But. I'm tired of reading about gardening. I've sorted my seeds. (Such a lot of seeds!) I've planned out the vegetable garden on graph paper. There comes a time when a gardener simply must. plant. something. TOO is heading out to run some errands. This is my chance.


Blogger Carol Michel said...

I'm happy to hear via your comment that you enjoyed "Two Gardeners"! You should go ahead and post a review and I'll include it when I do the post about The Gardener's Year. Just send me a comment if you decide to post something about Two Gardeners.

21 March, 2007 17:52  
Blogger Christy Woolum said...

You cat looks just like one of mine. I will have to get her back on the blog. Isn't it nice to get organized for gardening. I like the planning/organizing as much as the actual planting.

21 March, 2007 19:27  

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